Osaka, JAPAN
Lighthouse Consulting

Want to start business
in Japan? 
Here’s your partner.

Enjoy running your own business in this country:
a mixture of the breathtaking scenary and the safest living environment on the earth.
Seems difficult? No problem.
With our help, your dream project will come true.


Obstacles you’ll face and Solutions we provide

We have to admit that running business in Japan is not easy for non-Japanese entrepreneurs as well as the locals. Things that make it difficult for you to proceed are countless: the linguistic barrier, the peculiar commercial customs, the complicated procedures, the legal regulations…

but here’s a good news: You can combat all these issues with us!

Linguistic Barrier

For most non-Japanese-speaking people, this might be one of the biggest difficulties when establishing a venture. Our consultant gives a helping hand to you.

Company Registration

This is something even Japanese business people shrink back from because of its complexity. Without your extra cost for a lawyer, our consultant can help you register your company with an inclusive fee.

Your Consulting Partner

Takeaki Fujiwara has more than 10 years of leaership experience in the video game industory in Japan: He worked for Capcom, which is famous for its some big console game titles, for over 10 years as a senior manager, a project manager, and an engineer. The other notable career of him is as an entrepreneur. Takeaki launched Sansho Studios, Inc., an independent game developer, in 2014 and led a 20-member team. At this company, he acquired an authentic track record of managing business (setting up, financing, and HR management) proved by the strategic partnership with NEXON, a $2-billion global game publisher.

Takeaki Fujiwara

Business Consultant

Contact us today! Initial counselling for free!

Company Name: Lighthouse, Inc.
Location: 3F-3 1-3-6 Awaji-machi, Chuo-ku, Osaka, Japan 541-0047
Phone Number: +81 (0)50-5241-1888